


I.  委员会的宗旨

  1. The purpose of the committee shall be to provide a recommendation to the appropriate University official regarding the addition, deletion or modification of any academic degree program requirements with regard to traditional, online and off-campus 项目 由大学提供. 这些包括主修和副修学位课程、证书、 options, and concentrations as well as the primary review for any existing degree 项目 that may choose to offer additional off-campus or online degrees that will 因此要接受重新审查. 委员会还审查了会议纪要 College 课程委员会, monitors new course proposals, reviews and approves any policy or procedure changes to the university’s curriculum or assessment as recommended by the 通识教育 Committee (GEC), the 通识教育 Assessment Committee (GEAC), and any other body responsible for university curricular issues and forwards these to the Office of Academic Affairs, the Faculty 参议院 and any other appropriate 身体需要.
  2. 该委员会 also monitors any curricular conflicts 可能会出现这种情况 between academic 项目 and is responsible for making recommendations to the appropriate Chair, Dean, 或学术副校长讨论解决这些问题的可能解决方案
  3. The Chair of the UCCC is the final signatory for the will of the committee on all Routing 形式 submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs for curricular changes and/or modifications to academic major or minor degree 项目, options, minors, and certificate 项目.

II. 委员会成员

  1. 该委员会 shall be composed of thirteen (13) members each of whom is appointed by the Dean of their respective college in consultation with the UCCC Chair (and subject to ratification by the Faculty 参议院) from among the full-time Unit A tenured and 终身教职员工. 六(6)名成员应来自文理学院 and one member shall be appointed from the 商学院, Health Science, 教育, 药店, and the 图书馆 with an additional member from the 研究生 Council and a final member-at-large appointed by the Faculty 参议院 to ensure that at least one 该委员会的成员是参议员. 教务长,课程助理教务长, 前任UCCC驻校主席是 依据职权 Two years from the date of this document, the membership clause of these 规章制度 shall 被审查,之后每两年一次.
  2. Members shall serve for a term of three (3) years with approximately one-third of the membership eligible for re-appointment each year according to an election rotation 附于本文件. 委员可连任. 该委员会 chair shall distribute a membership list and statement of the terms of office at the first meeting of every academic year to each of the members with a copy sent to the 教职员参议院规则及运作委员会(ROC). 所有新成员均应就座 on the committee upon the affirmative recommendation of UCCC Chair, consultation with the Dean of the members’ respective College, and formal recommendation of the Faculty 参议院.

3.  军官

  1. 委员会从出席会议的委员中选出主席和秘书各一人 一学年的第一次会议. 主席和秘书应为主席团成员 委员会成员,任期一年.
  2. In the event of an anticipated absence of the Chairperson, the Secretary shall conduct 会议. 在两名主席团成员均缺席时,主席应指定一名临时主席团成员 如有需要,由有表决权的委员会成员替换.
  3. 在秋季学期开始时,前任主席应召开第一次会议 在年度无其他公务时选举新职员.

IV.  委员会会议

  1. 该委员会 shall meet on the fourth or final Thursday of every month and on an 特别的 basis as 该委员会 shall have no fewer than one meeting per semester of each academic 任期,以确保委员会审议程序的连续性. 如果方便, additional meetings shall be held periodically to maintain cohesion among the members 避免在不利情况下仓促召开会议.
  2. For all academic departments intending to have their approved program modifications included in the Fall catalog, all original curriculum forms and supporting materials 必须在三月的UCCC会议上提交批准.
  3. 该委员会 shall review information provided by the Office of Academic Affairs consistent with its purpose as described above regarding the addition, deletion or modification of any academic major or minor degree 项目, options, minors, and 大学颁发的证书. 委员会应审阅会议记录 the College 课程委员会 as needed, monitor new course proposals for conflicts 在学院之间,审查并批准任何政策或程序上的改变 by the 通识教育 Committee (GEC), the 通识教育 Assessment Committee (GEAC), and any other body responsible for university curriculum and shall forward this recommendation to the Office of Academic Affairs and/or the Faculty 参议院 as 需要的或按要求的. 委员会面前的事务不予处理 没有受影响部门的代表在场. 它应该是 委员会只与主席一起审议课程要求的做法 在场的部门和行为发生的部门.
  4. A quorum for a meeting shall consist of a simple majority of committee members (7). For the purposes of obtaining a quorum, only appointed faculty members on the committee shall be counted; 依据职权 members shall not be counted.
  5. 主席只有在发生突发事件时才有权就委员会事务进行表决
  6. 在会议上处理事务应遵循罗伯特议事规则,

V. 委员会报告功能

  1. The Chairperson shall submit a recommendation regarding the addition, deletion or modification of any academic degree 项目, new course proposals, and any academic policy or procedural changes regarding the curriculum to the Office of Academic Affairs 和/或根据需要或要求提交给教务委员会.
  2. The Chairperson shall be authorized on behalf of the committee to sign the Routing 形式 from the Office of Academic Affairs where such signature is required based upon 委员会的多数票.
  3. The Chairperson shall be required to complete and submit an annual report regarding the committee’s activities at the conclusion of the academic year to the Faculty 参议院 以及教务处.

VI. 规章制度的修订

这些 规章制度 shall be subject to revision with the consent of a simple majority of the members 出席专门为此目的召开的会议的. 最后修订本 规章制度 will require the consent of a two-third’s majority of the members present at a meeting 特别要求进行修订. 这些 规章制度 并取代和取代任何先前存在的UCCC 规章制度 可能会出现这种情况.

任期2020 - 2023

  • 六月价瓦(UGC)
  • 莱斯利·贝克-基蒙斯(CAS)
  • Andrea Van Duzor (CAS)
  • 总的来说(参议院可以增加一个人)

任期2021 - 2024

  • 卡梅莎·卡恩(CAS)
  • 南希·格里姆(COE), UCCC主席
  • 艾迪·盖坦(CAS)
  • Khalid Alsamara (COB)

任期2022 - 2025

  • 陈健乔(中国科学院)
  • TBD (CAS)
  • 罗莎琳德·菲尔德(LIB)
The UCCC meets the final Thursday of each month during the academic year with the 11月除外,因为UCCC在12月的第一个星期四开会. 所有操作 submitted for review should be available to the chair of UCCC via adobe sign at least 每次会议前一周.


PDF图标 课程及行动手册
PDF图标 课程行动 指令- 2023 - 24